Having a hard time in school? Read this!

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”
                     -Mark Twain

Are you a weak student? You are finding it hard to be on top of your studies and crushing it? Do you think you are made for something else? Listen to me, its okay. I am also a student and I am not a topper. This does not mean that I am a failure. Life is a lot bigger concept than just passing an exam and getting a degree. You may not be good at school or college or university or wherever you are, but you must be good at something, something that you love, something that you crave to do. If you don’t already know what is that, then figure it out. All of us are designed to do something or the other in a way that is better than anyone else in this whole freaking world. Being a class topper is not the only thing.

Here in India, we have this orthodox notion that if you are academically highly qualified, then you are good for nothing. We feel ashamed of telling people that we are not highly qualified. Don’t be. Just don’t. Look at the world around you and look the people who have made it big in this world. Are they all THE most academically strongest people? No. Some are and majority are not. This is because they recognized what they were good at and they gave it their all to get that.
What we get taught in school is limited. But outside of that, there is a huge world of opportunities that is waiting for us to go and grab.

Of course education is important. If you are not educated you will fall behind in the world. But being educated doesn’t just mean to qualify exams and get good grades. It’s about learning how to do things that the world currently thinks is the best. But this should not limit you. Education is meant to give you the vision that will allow you to invent ways to do things that no one has ever thought of.

So, don’t get ashamed or be demotivated if you are not scoring good grades. It actually opens up the while world outside for you to explore, doing things that you are good at.

I am happy that I am not a class topper. And that is the reason why I am able to sit here and write this blog at 3 am in the morning, when I know that I have an exam at 8 am. I have the freedom of doing what I love, doing what makes me happy.

The MOST important thing for you to do is identify your strength. What you are good at, what you love, what gives you happiness and fulfillment? And then start chasing it. Because this is what you are born for. Not just passing exams to be the topper.



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