The single greatest tip to learn anything with full interest!

The need to study with interest

The most important aspect of learning something with complete understanding of the subject matter is having interest in the topic. The most common mistake that we do is just reading the topics, understanding it for the time being and then forgetting it after the exams are over. The reason is that we don't find interest. And when we don't find interest in anything, we send a signal to the brain that it is not important for the long run and thus the brain settles this information into the unconscious mind after we have lose touch with the topic.

We need to find interest in the subject to let our brain know that it is important to us, which will enable it to store the information in the conscious mind.

But how do we do that?

The most important thing that we need to do in order to find interest in any subject is by asking ourselves the question, "How is this applicable to my life?" This is so important because when we realise the importance of something in our lives, we care about it. We try to understand how it works and how it effects us. And that is what enables us to remember things and utilise it whenever required.

Let me give you an example. Suppose you are studying about electricity and how it is conducted. If you don't find interest in it, you will only remember it for sometime and then forget after you have written the examination. Now suppose one day you have a problem with the wire connection of the light in your room on the night before your exam. You can't find any electrician at that time of the night. So you decide to fix it yourself. You go to Google or YouTube and search "How to fix a tube light?" And you learn how to do it, you fix the light and you are back to your study.

What you did here is applied the lesson of electricity and its conduction into your daily life and this will stay with you forever. So next time you have the same problem, you don't have to call your electrician for the work, you can do it yourself. Because you know how it's done and how the thing works.

This is what I mean by saying understanding the importance of any subject in your life, which makes you capable to learn it for a lifetime.



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